Senec is a lovely city sitting not so far from Danube river adjoining with such historical cities as Bratislava, Budapest and Vienna.

We’d like to invite you and your team to celebrate with us the 17th international armwrestling tournament Senec hand.

Over the past years we have been hosting the world best armwrestlers. We hope that you and your team will find the way to our beautiful city and use the opportunity to meet your friends in armwrestling as well as our hospitality.


Date:26th/27th March 2010

Venue: Mestské kultúrne stredislo, nám.1.mája, Senec (Town house of the culture, 1st may square, Senec), Slovakia

Meet director: Marian Čapla

Weight classes:

Men left / right: 65, 70, 75, 85, 95, 95+ kg

Women left / right: 60, 60+ kg

Junior boys left / right: 65, 75, 75+ kg

Junior girls left / right: 55, 55+ kg

Weigh in: Friday 26.03.2010 : 15.00 - 23.00 at Hotel Zeleny dvor
Attention!!! The weigh-in is on Friday ONLY!!!!!!

Entry fee: 20,- EUR (any additional class & juniors 5,- EUR)

Eliminations: 10:00 (juniors) 13.00 (Seniors)

Finals: 18.00

Awards: cups, diplomas, money prizes – right hand classes only (men: 1st – 300 EUR, 2nd – 100 EUR, 3rd – 50 EUR, women: 1st – 100 EUR, 2nd – 50 EUR, 3rd 20,- EUR) No money prizes for juniors!

After Party: Saturday 27.03.2010, 20:00 – everybody is invited

Accomodation: tell us your needs as soon as possible, we’ll arrange a pleasant stay for you in one of the hotels.

Traveling: Senec is located 25 km from the capital city Bratislava.
Airports: Bratislava (direct flights from many European cities; see www.danubewings.com;
www.ryanair.com; Vienna (60 km from Bratislava)
Railway stations: Bratislava, Senec
Motorway: from Bratislava take E75 direction Zilina, exit Senec; from north the same E75 direction Bratislava, exit Senec.

Information: For more information, please contact us on www.armsport.sk or email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us +421 903 716 032

Please send us your official registration form as soon as possible to precede any misuderstandings!