EAF Statute




Revised May 2013


Article I – Basic Provisions


1.         The European Armwrestling Federation (EAF) shall consist of the member associations that are affiliated to it and recognized by it as controlling association armwrestling in their respective countries.

2.         Only one association shall be recognized in each country.

3.         The Congress in a two-third vote shall determine the location of the headquarters of the EAF. Only Congress has right to make any changes regarding the location of Headquarters.


 Article II – Objectives



1.         To represent EAF member countries at the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF).

2.         To promote armwrestling for the purpose of its expansion in their respective countries, that is in all of Europe.

3.         To Foster friendly relations between member associations and their officials and players by promoting the organization of armwrestling competitions at all levels.

4.         To discourage all discrimination against a country or individual for reasons of race, religion, politics, economy and culture.

5.         To coordinate competitions and events so that conflicts in timetables among members associations do not arise.

6.         To regulate the activities of member associations so that the provisions of the EAF are respected.


Article III – Membership


1.         The national association applying for membership shall address written request to this effect to the EAF. Associations shall be admitted as members by the Congress only.

2.         Provisional membership of a member association shall be granted by the Executive Board of the EAF. Provisional membership is valid only until the next sitting of Congress, at which time continued provisional membership may be ratified.

3.         The application for membership into the EAF shall contain a statute of the association and declaration in which the applicant association undertakes to respect the regulations of the EAF and to fulfill its obligations as a member.

4.         EAF will supply the membership form to be filled out by the country applying for membership. This form will cover all the points needed to be affiliated. Some of these points are:

a.       List of executives.

b.       A copy of their constitution.

c.       200 EURO annual membership fee.

d.       All phone and fax numbers. Mailing addresses and e-mail addresses if applicable.

Violation of this rule will be fined with 100 €. (2006)

5.         The Certificate of Membership is the official document regarding membership in the EAF. Each association will receive this document upon having had its membership approved and having paid its registration fee.



Membership in the EAF expires with:

1.         The dissolution of the member association.

2.         The withdrawal of the member.

3.         The expulsion of the member. 

Membership of an association may be suspended:

4.         When fees and dues are not honored.

5.         When rules and regulations of the EAF are not obeyed.

6.         When disrespect in demonstrated against the EAF or any member association.

7.         The only authority with the power to suspend an association from the EAF is Congress. The decision of Congress is valid only in the event that a majority of member association support the move and that three-quarters of delegates vote in its favor.

8.         A suspended association losses the right to participate in competitions organized by member associations.


Article IV – Rules & Regulations for Member Associations 

1.         To share in the realization of the program goals of the EAF.

2.         To inform applicants of membership into the EAF.

3.         To propose suggestions and criticism of membership of the EAF.

4.         To recommend candidate to the body of the EAF and to recommend their registration of necessary.

5.         To participate in the proceedings of the Congress of the EAF.

6.         To organize the European Championships, conferences, seminars and other European events approved by the EAF.

7.         To send its athletes to the European Championships and other International competitions in the European countries.

8.         To send country registration form for the European Championship, no later than 15 days before the competition. (2004) 

The Member Associations of the EAF is responsible for the following: 

9.         To pay its registration fee within 30 days of having its provisional membership approved by Congress.

10.     To send the regulations of the member association to the Secretariat of the EAF.

11.     To pay the registration fee by the deadline indicated in paragraph VII.3 of the Statutes.

12.     To inform the Secretariat of the EAF of the name and address of the person whom all correspondence will be sent and to inform the Secretariat of any change thereof.

13.     To respect the resolutions and regulations of the EAF.

14.     To provide any and all necessary information to the EAF upon its request.

15.     To provide each year the following annual documents:

a.       Minutes from the Annual General Meeting (or whether it is hold);

b.       List of National federation

c.       Registered address of the national body

d.       Statutes of the national body every time there is a registered change.

Violation of this rule will be fined with 50 €. (2004)

16.     Active National armwrestling associations must send in the results and photos of their National Championship to their Continental Federation. Violation of this rule will be fined with 100 €. (2006)


Article V – the Body of the EAF 

A.      A. The EAF consists of the following: 

1.         Congress.

2.         Executive Board.

3.         Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.

4.         Secretariat.  

B.      B. Responsibilities of the bodies of the EAF: 

1.         The congress is the highest body of the EAF.

2.         The Executive Board is responsible to the members of Congress.

3.         The standing and Ad Hoc Committees are responsible to the Executive Board.

4.         The Secretariat is responsible to the Executive Board.

5.         Working sessions of the body of the EAF.

6.         The Executive Board and Standing Committees function is four year terms.

7.         The Ad Hoc Committees are closed once the problem for which they were created is resolved. 


Article VI – Congress 

1.         The Congress is the supreme body of the EAF and functions as a legislative body.

2.         The Executive Board calls Congress into session regularly and annually. The session takes place at the same time and the same place as the European Championships. The date of this session must be announced at least six months ahead of time.

3.         The Executive Board may at any time call an Extraordinary Congress of the EAF, at the written request of one-third of the affiliated member associations of the Federation; the Executive Board shall convene an Extraordinary Congress within two months.

4.         Each member association shall have the right to send one delegate to the session. This delegate must during the session submit a written statement of the member association he/she represents.

5.         The members of the Executive Board must participate in Congress but cannot represent their own member associations.

6.         The organizing country is responsible for the cost of all travel and accommodation, breakfast and supper for the members of the Executive Board of the EAF during the EAF Championships.

7.         All proposals and questions to be submitted to the Congress by member association must be sent in writing to the General Secretary of the EAF at least 60 (sixty) days before the Congress. Only those proposals and questions sent in time and included in the agenda may be discussed at the Congress. (2004)

8.         The agenda specifying the nature of the business to be transacted must be sent to the associations by the General Secretary of the EAF at least 30 days in advance of the Congress.

9.         The elections of new President and of the Executive Board of the EAF take place at Congress every four years.

10.     In the event that elections are planned for the next Congress, the names of the candidates may be submitted by any member association and must reach the Secretariat of the EAF at least 90 days before the opening of Congress. (2008)

11.     The agenda of the Congress shall include at least following items:

a.       An address by the President

b.       Acceptance of the new members

c.       Ratification of the official minutes

d.       The report covering the period since the preceding Congress.

e.       Announcement of news

f.        Submission of the budget

g.       Consideration of the proposals for alteration to the Statutes and regulations of the EAF

h.       Suggestions and consent regarding the location of the European Championships and other International championships, conferences and seminars under the sponsorship of the EAF

i.         Question and suggestion period for member association, including those suggestions for which the Executive Board is responsible (all materials must be submitted beforehand in written form as indicated in article V.1 of this document).

j.         Elections of the President and Executive Board (in the instance of an electoral session).

12.     The official program will also be followed in the event of an extraordinary Congress.

13.     The issues not included in the official program will not be addressed under any circumstances.

14.     The session is valid in at least 25% of its members are present.

15.     If the regulations of the EAF do not indicate otherwise, a proposal will be approved if more than 50% of those present at the conference vote in the positive.

16.     Proposals to amend the regulations governing the applications of the Statutes or the standing orders of the Congress shall be passed by a simple majority of votes cast by the delegates present and entitled to vote. Voting regarding proposals is public. In extraordinary circumstances, delegates can decide the vote through secret ballot.

17.     Voting for Presidential and Executive Board elections is by secret ballot and majority vote.

18.     For the election of the President of the EAF, two-third of the votes recorded in the first ballot are necessary. If none of the candidates receives two-thirds of the vote then the two highest candidates will advance to the second round of voting in a second ballot, an absolute majority of the votes is required.

19.     A commission created as the beginning of the Congress manages the electoral process.

20.     The General Secretary of the EAF shall keep the official minutes of the Congress. The minutes shall be submitted for verification to selected members especially appointed for this purpose.

21.     Decisions taken at Congress shall come into effect for the Federation and affiliated associations three months after the closing date of the Congress.

22.     Only members in good standing are allowed to vote on the agenda or participate in discussion of the agenda. Good standing includes paid up membership fees. Each member shall have one vote. (2006)

23.     The corresponding annual reports about the executed work of the President and General Secretary and Chairman of Committees should be sent to the members of Federations 30 days prior to Congress date. (2004)


 Article VII – Executive Board and Directors of EAF 

1.         The Executive Board is the executive body of the EAF. It is authorized to decide all issues concerning the EAF with exception of those decisions under the jurisdiction of Congress.

2.         The Executive Board of the EAF shall consist of:

·         The President

·         Four Vice-Presidents (2012)

·         The General Secretary (or secretaries)

·         The Head Referee

3.         The position of the Director of Scoring, Technical Director and Doping Director – will be elected by congress and will work under the leadership of the General Secretary. (2012)

4.         The position of the Financial Director and Public Relations Director will be determinate by proposal of the President with the approval of Executive Board. (2012)

5.         Two members from the same National federation cannot* be elected into the Executive Committee. (2004)

6.         For the position of President and Vice president can participate presidents of national federations only (2008)

7.         General Secretary, Head Referee, Doping Director, Director of Scorekeeping and Public Relation person can be selected only from other members of European Armwrestling Federation with official national federation nomination only. (2008)

8.         The President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Financial Director, Head Referee, Director of Public Relations, Director of Scoring as members of the Executive Board are elected by the Congress.

9.         The General Secretary is appointed by the President, this appointment is subjected to the approval of Congress.

10.     The mandates for the President, the Vice-President, the General Secretary and members are for a term of four years.

11.     The Executive Board shall meet twice a year (coinciding with the World and European Championships)

12.     The Executive Board shall appoint the Chairman and members of the Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.

13.     The President shall represent the EAF legally.

14.     The President Shall preside at the Congress meetings of the executive Board and Committees to which he has been appointed.

15.     The President shall only vote when votes are equal and this vote shall be the casting vote.

16.     If the President is absent or unavailable, the Vice-President shall automatically perform his duties. In the event of the absence of both the President and Vice-President the senior member of the Executive Board shall perform their duties.

17.     The Directors shall serve as such without remuneration and no Director shall directly or indirectly receive any profit from his position as such; provided that a Director may be paid reasonable expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any Director from serving EAF as an Officer or in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefore. (2006)


Article VIII – Standing Committees 

1.         Standing Committees of the EAF:

a.       Technical

b.       Competitive & Disciplinary

c.       Referee

d.       Health & Anti-Drug

e.       Women & Youth

f.        Public Relations

g.       Financial

h.       Legal & Appeal

i.         Fair Play

2.         Standing Committees support the Executive Board with respect to the Practical realization of its program goals. The Committees function for a four-year term.

3.         Standing Committees shall consist of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and necessary amount of members. In the case of the Financial Committee, all members must be from separate member associations.

4.         The Chairman of the Standing Committee shall be chosen from among the members Executive Board. This ensures continual contact between the Executive Board and the Committee to the Executive Board.

5.         The Chairman calls the Committee into session with the consent of the General Secretary. The Chairman also prepares the program and directs the session.

6.         Each Committee may, if deemed necessary, appoint a sub-committee to deal with urgent matters. Any decision taken by a sub-committee shall enter into force immediately but shall be subjected to confirmation by the plenary committee concerned at its next meeting. The Chairman of the sub-committee shall be a member of Standing Committee.

7.         Each Standing committee prepares regarding its duties and responsibilities. These regulations must be approved by the Executive Board.

8.         Each Committee shall keep a principle record. A copy of this record will be sent to the Secretariat of the EAF.


Article IX – Technical Committee 


1.         To monitor the development of armwrestling and to propose arrangements for its further development.

2.         To devote itself to the resolution of all questions dealing with the theory and practice of armwrestling.

3.         To inform those concerned regarding the qualifications of athletes and trainers and of the training process.

4.         To prepare methodical materials (publications, instructions, films etc) dealing with instruction and training techniques for athletes, instructors, trainers and referees.

5.         To respond to the technical arrangements or modifications of all official publications by the EAF.

6.         The organize courses and conferences for instructors, trainers and referees in conjunction with member associations.

7.         At the request of member associations, to provide lecturers, instructors and trainers for both short and long-term, periods.

8.         To deal with all matters concerning the construction of installations and the availability of equipment to teach armwrestling.

9.         To take all possible measures to popularize armwrestling in order to expand participation in the sport.

10.     To be responsible for technical safety at the European championships.


Article X – Competitive and Disciplinary Committee 


1.         To produce when necessary alterations and changes to the competitive and disciplinary regulations. These changes shall come about as a result of both observations by the Committee and suggestions by the member associations.

2.         To be responsible for the quality of the process of the competitions at the European Championships in all categories.

3.         To contact member associations in order to finalize times of the most significant competitions in individual countries in order to eliminate conflicts.

4.         To propose to the Executive Board arrangements of International competitions under the patronage of the EAF.

5.         To compile a calendar of EAF competitions, including the most significant competitions on the European Continent.

6.         To organize all competitions in the EAF calendar into categories according to the criteria on the competition regulations.

7.         To take heed that preparation and progress of championships organized into the EAF calendar adhere to the categories to which they were classified.

8.         To take heed that the results of competitions are included in the EAF Calendar and published.

9.         To resolve disciplinary offenses and decide disciplinary measures for athletes, trainers, functionaries, clubs and member teams found guilty of violations.


Article XI – Referees Committee 


1.         To make decisions and interpretations regarding the application of the armwrestling rules.

2.         To organize courses and seminars for referees in order to inform them of the rules and to maintain a high standard of refereeing.

3.         To choose (at the suggestion of member associations) for international referees.

4.         To name the examination committee to examine international referee candidates.

5.         To manage the list of international referees with valid licenses.

6.         To appoint referees for the European Championships and chief referees (submitted by organizers) at international competitions under the patronage of the EAF.

7.         To draw up a list of lecturers and instructions capable of conducting seminars and courses for referees.

8.         At the request of member associations, to delegate lecturers for referees and referee instructors.

9.         To approve of the rules and regulations outlined in the rulebook of the EAF.

10.     To prepare and produce didactic material on refereeing.

11.     To manage the referee panel approved budget and cover minimum 50% of travel expenses for the nominated referees during European Championships. (2005, 2006)


Article XII – Health and Anti-Drug Committee


1.         To prepare and organize seminars for medical and health personnel for the purpose of exchanging information on specific armwrestling injuries and their treatment and prevention.

2.         To draw up a medical guide on sports medicine with respect to armwrestling.

3.         To draw up a guide for players to improve their athletic, physical fitness and performance capacities.

4.         To engage activity in anti-drug campaigns highlighting the negative effects on the health of the individual.

5.         To secure anti-drug control at the European Championships.

6.         To prepare memorandum regarding the effects of certain substances on the body and regarding those substances whose use is forbidden and regarded as illegal.

7.         To prepare information regarding the use of bio preparatory substances suitable for athletes.

8.         To prepare professional seminars for trainers and instructions aimed at illegal substance education and the use of bio preparatory substances.


Article XIII – Committee for Youth and Women


1.         To deal with matters involving armwrestling for women and youth.

2.         To promote the development of the armwrestling among women and youth.

3.         To organize European Championships for the women and youth with the help of the Competition Committee.

4.         To prepare publications to promote the sport among women and youth.


Article XIV – Public Relations Committee


1.         To promote the propagation of the armwrestling in the wide public.

2.         To prepare EAF publications and to assist in their conception and preparation if necessary.

3.         To advise the respective organizing committees regarding the conditions for the organization of work by the media at EAF events, to draw up the terms of reference, to prepare and carry out the accreditation procedure for media representatives and to supervise the organization of the media.

4.         To advise the Executive Board, Standing Committees and the Secretariat on issues concerning media relations and publications (i.e.: radio, television and print dissemination).

5.         To work in conjunction with international media organizations.

6.         To ensure the publication of results of all major sporting events in European countries.


Article XV – Financial Committee


1.         To prepare, when necessary proposals dealing with alterations and changes in the regulations of the economy EAF.

2.         To prepare the EAF budget with the help of the Secretariat and Standing Committee.

3.         To control the economic and financial concerns of the EAF during the course of one year with respect to the direction and economy of the EAF and the ratification of the budget for that year,

4.         To advise the Executive Board with the respect to financial politics and offer proposals for the economic prosperity of the EAF.


Article XVI – Legal and Appeal Committee 


1.         To monitor the statues and regulations governing affiliated associations in the order to ensure that they are in line with those of the EAF.

2.         To monitor the application of EAF statues.

3.         To propose to the Executive Board any amendment which it deems useful.

4.         To hear appeals lodged against decision by the Competitive and Disciplinary Committee and advise the Executive Board regarding the alteration or reversal of disciplinary decisions.


Article XVII Fair Play Committee


1.         To monitor armwrestling from the perspective of safety, when necessary to propose improvements in the safety measures of armwrestling.

2.         To promote honesty in competitions and discourage all actions deemed to bee contrary the spirit of fair play.

3.         To propose awards for athletes, trainers and functionaries for fair and humanitarian actions, or for lifelong achievements of fair play.


Article XVIII Secretariat of the EAF

1.         The Secretariat shall be a permanent administrative body of the EAF and shall establish executive decisions taken by Executive Board according to both need and economic feasibility.

2.         The membership duties, rules and regulations governing the Secretariat shall be decided by the Executive Board and approved by the Congress.

3.         The General Secretary shall be the head of the Secretariat.

4.         The General Secretary is responsible for:

a.       The organization of the Secretariat.

b.       The management and maintenance of accounts of the EAF.

c.       The execution of decision taken by the Executive Board.

d.       The execution of regulations of the Congress and the production of the minutes of the Executive Board.

e.       Correspondence and maintenance of relations between member associations.


f.        The Executive Board appoints the General Secretary’s duties in detail, this appointment is subjected to the approval of Congress.


Article XIX Finances

1.         The Congress shall appoint the body to examine the accounts of the EAF.

2.         Intermediate balance sheets for the year shall be approved by Congress.

3.         Each member association shall pay a standard yearly registration fee, to be paid by the beginning of the European Championships.

4.         An association which has not paid its registration fee, shall automatically be suspended. It shall forfeit its right to participate in the European Championships and its delegates shall forfeit their votes in the Congress. The suspension shall be lifted once the annual registration fee has been paid.

5.         The amount of the annual registration fee shall be determined by Congress every four years.

6.         For every international championships sanctioned by the EAF the organization shall pay the EAF a share of the gross receipts for the match. The amount due and method of payment shall be laid down in the regulations covering Finances and shall be approved by the Congress.

7.         The EAF Fees structure is as follows:

a.       Country Full Membership           200 €/ year/ member

b.       Competitors fees

                                                               i.      Senior classes                   30 €/ class/ hand

                                                             ii.      Junior classes                    15 €/ class/ hand

                                                           iii.      EAF License                       5 €/ person



Article XX International Championships

1.         The conditions for the organization of international championships shall be outlined by the Competitions Committee of the EAF and approved by the EAF Congress.

2.         The European Championship host country will be selected in the EAF Congress no more than 3 (three) years ahead. (2011)

3.         All EAF country members must accommodate their national teams at the European Championships only in the official hotels appointed by host country. Otherwise the competitors will not have the right to compete in the Championship. (2008)

4.         The European Championship host country will guarantee accommodation and meals for EAF executives and officials as follows:

A)       Transportation, food and hotel for the President, the General Secretary and the Head Referee of EAF;

B)       Food and hotel for the rest of the members of the Board of Directors of EAF;

C)       Food and hotel for the 12 nominated Referees.



Article XXI Rules of Armwrestling

1.         All official competitions of the EAF shall be subjected to the official rules of armwrestling as indicated by the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF).

2.         Only the WAF shall authorize any changes or alternations in the official rules governing armwrestling.


Article XXII EAF Awards

1.         Outstanding individual or collective results in the area of armwrestling shall be awarded by the EAF Congress.


Article XXIII Official Language

1.         The official language of the EAF is English.

2.         English is the official language of correspondence, publications and serves as the official language of the Congress.


Article XXIV EAF Symbols

1.         The symbols of the EAF are its emblem and flag.

2.         The emblem of the EAF is (as in the webpage):


 3.         The Flag of the EAF consist of an elongated face measuring 15x1m. It is a pale blue color and contains the symbol of the EAF in its upper left-hand corner. This symbol measures one-sixth of the area of the flag.


Article XXV Final Provisions

1.         The Executive Board shall resolve any issues that have not been covered by the regulations, directives and prescriptions of the EAF.

2.         The official interpretation of the regulations of the EAF, shall be determined by the Executive Board.

3.         These EAF Statutes were approved by the EAF congress on the 4th July 2001 and are affective from this date forward. All member association are subject to these rules and regulations.

4.         Only the Congress is authorized to make any changes to these regulations.



- end of statutes -